Conflict, Avoidance, and Collateral Damage Ian Claffey – Oxondon Coaching Conflict in the workplace has a massive impact on both business running costs and bottom-line profits each year – as well as implications for staff and their emotional wellbeing. The cost...
The Brief. Magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand. Ian Claffey, Oxonodn Coaching, is providing Executive Coaching Professionals to both Local and International Companies within the region. Ian Claffey has recently expanded his Coaching operation to...
The Benefits of Coaching in the Business World – BIZ WEEK Bangkok Business Ian Claffey is an accredited Executive Coach and Facilitator; his international experience has been gained working in London, Zurich, Tokyo, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa and...
Emotional intelligence and 360 Feedback – is Thailand ready? The Brief. Magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand. Ian Claffey At a recent meeting in Bangkok with the CEO of an international bank conversation turned to 360 feedback and whether corporate...
Stress and the City – Complinet News article On reading that 40,000 city jobs were to go due to the credit crunch, my first reaction was concern for those people facing redundancy. (Whatever way we dress it up, the job might be redundant, and yet the employees...